100 Mile Challenge

100 Mile Challenge
100 miles - 2 months!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 295

Back at the park :) It was so pretty outside! Today, I pushed myself to jog more. I seriously need to work back up to the 5k so that I can push for more! Anyways - today I jogged 2 miles and walked half. I did the first mile in 11:36 minutes. Ten seconds better than yesterday's pace. Go me! I hit the 1.5 mile marker at 17:41 minutes and completed the two miles at 23:57minutes. Not half bad! Now I just have to go further! Haha! I am going to try for 2.5 miles tomorrow. We will see how that goes. Also, after jogging I went to Walmart and picked up a workout video. It has 5 ten minute yoga sessions (or something like that) on it. Each session targets a different region of the body and it comes complete with a resistance band. My goal is to get up ten minutes earlier each morning and do one session a day. Yoga (or is it Pilates?) for a few minutes should be a great addition to my routine. I am also going to have to find time to add back in the llight weights. Hmm.... if only there were more hours in the day!

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