100 Mile Challenge

100 Mile Challenge
100 miles - 2 months!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

OMG-It's been a long time since I blogged!

Today is January 14, 2012. My last post was in August, 2011. That is too many days to count! :) So, I am just going to have to come up with another title system for my posts. Haha! Over the last few months, I have worked my tail off! My personal trainer Kent helped me prepare for my 2nd 5k and my first ever 10k! I took several months off from my routines prior to begining my work with Kent, so I was very proud of myself when I completed the 5k in a minute less time than last year's jog. :) That, though was a halfway point. THe work continued with 2 days a week of jogging and strength trainging (no weights, just body movements to help steady my legs) and one day of homework. During that time, I met and stared dating the most amazing man. David is getting his master's in Human Fitness and Performance and is an athlete. His encouragement was a huge help when I got tired, or lazy, or felt like giving up. And it was him who paced me throughout my whole 10k so that I wouldn't have to do it alone. He keep me going when around mile 4 I started getting really crabby and tired and wanted to stop. I kept tell him that he could run ahead (he was basically walking because I was so slow and he has long legs), but he told me that he would rather stay and do it with me. I don't know that I could have finished without him by my side. I had only jogged over 6 miles twice before and both times were on the treadmill. So, I was nervous about jogging outdoors. But, I did it! :) And, I did it in a minute less than my goal time: 1 hour 15 minutes! :) David is so great that he even took pictures of me crossing the finish line! :) The Ronald McDonald 10k was held on Dec. 3, 2011. My friends Michelle, her boyfriend Michael, and my friend Jennie did the race with us. Michael and Michelle work out all the time so they were much faster than me. Jennie hadn't trained much so she walked most of it. Either way though - we all DID IT! :) :) :)

Since then, I have worked with David. He is helping me to switch my focus from jogging to muscle building so that I can reach my 8% goal easier. I have already lost about as much weight as I can (I am at around 125 according to a recent physical), so now I just have to replace fat with muscle. Let the work begin!!! :)

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