100 Mile Challenge

100 Mile Challenge
100 miles - 2 months!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Wow - I need to workout & blog more regularly

Yeah, I would like to clarify that my lack of blogging is not a direct reflection of my workout schedule. Though I admit that I am not as dedicated as I was when I was paying a trainer or as dedicated as I probably should be, I am still chugging along towards my goal. Today is March 17, 2012. So, let me back up a bit.

From January through the end of February my life was dominated by Vagina Monologues. The long rehearsals, working 6 days a week, and general chaos of this season made working out a backseat priority for a while. As I mentioned in my last blog, I have somehat switched my focus from jogging to strength training. Thus, instead of heading home to jog at my complex, I have started visiting the gym on campus. Still not a powerlifter by any means, with some coaching from David, I have managed to figure out how to use most of the machines available. Since starting this new focus, I have succeeded in benchpressing for the first time in my life! I was only able to lift the bar, but I am still pretty impressed with myself! I have also done 5 real push-ups at a time (also a first for me) and have increased my bicep curl weight to
8 lbs! Upper body strength has never been my forte, so I am happy to be addressing that issue. I have also gotten to the point at which I can do 30 squats without pain. :) These accomplishments are baby steps, but I am really proud of them!

I am not sure whether or not I have mentioned this before, but I deeply despise treadmills!!!! Really, I absolutely hate them! They were necessary while training for the 10k due to the gross weather, but now I just can't make myself get on one. Thankfully, the weather has brightened and warmed up so I can go outside again!!! I never thought I would say this, but I actually enjoy jogging outside now. Now that I do not totally suck at that is. :) Anyways, over the last few weeks I have managed to get out on the trails again a few times. It is hard and not all of the trips were sucessful, but they were worth it. The times of the successful jogs are:

Feb. 22nd (jogging at my complex)
.5 mile - 6:02 mins
1 mile - 11:51 mins
1.5 miles - 17:37 mins
2 miles - 23:21 mins
2.5 miles - 28:59 mins
3 mils - 34:52 mins

Feb. 27th (at Franky Carter Park)
1st mile - 11:23 mins
2nd mile - 23:13 mins
3rd mile - 34:42 mins
.1 mile - 35:33 mins

Mar. 16th (at Franky Carter Park)
1st mile - 11:12 mins
2nd mile - 23:09 mins
3rd mile - 35:20 mins
.1 mile - 36:29 mins

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