100 Mile Challenge

100 Mile Challenge
100 miles - 2 months!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

100 mile challenge - day 3

Holy smokes people - I jogged 4 miles this morning! 4 MILES!!! That is the furthest I have gotten since I completed my 10k in December. I am sooo excited! And to have done it after two days of jogging - that says something to me! I think it means that my body may actually be getting good at jogging! Admittedly, I have been jogging slower than I used to (averaging a 13 minute mile rather than a 12 minute mile, but at least I am finally making the whole 5ks again. My most recent attempts to jog prior to these past few days, I was barely able to make it a mile. Ugh - I thought I was going to have to start completely over with my training. Thankfully, with a slower pace I have been able to make it through fairly easily. My legs are doing really well; its my lungs and heart that are still working their way up to in shape. But, the jog hasn't gotten really tiring until the 3rd mile, which seems natural. David wrote a tracker for me on my mirror to help with my motivation. I am not sure why, but my urge to cross off those numbers is ridiculously high. (He listed by tens backwards to 'Happy Birthday'). :) Between the first two days of jogging I had made it 6.2 miles. I can't fully explain it, but I really wanted to cross off the 90 TODAY. So, while jogging the first few laps, I did the math in my head and realized that I would only need .7 mile more than I had planned to jog in order to earn that mark. I was already jogging a tad faster than I had been the two days before so I wasn't sure if I would be able to do it or not, but I decided that I would decide as I was crossing the finish line for my pre-planned 5k. Thankfully, when I got to that point my feet kept moving. From that point on, I knew that I HAD to finish the mile. I couldn't get THAT CLOSE and stop. Coming up a half mile or so short of getting to cross of that 90 on my mirror would have frustrated the hell out of me. Is it weird that I am that motivated by a number on my mirror? Bizarre what gets people going. Anyways - I am proud of myself for making such great progress and thankful for all who have helped me to determine a goal and encouraged me to attain it. :) 10.2 miles down. 89.8 to go!!

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