100 Mile Challenge

100 Mile Challenge
100 miles - 2 months!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Day 393 - Back on the Horse

YAY!! Today I went to the park and jogged a full 5k! No I didn't break any speed records like I did the last time I went, but I did complete the task at hand. Which considering it has been almost a month since I have attempted it, is pretty spectacular in and of itself. A guy I went out with a few weeks ago told me that I should always strive to make my jogging experiences good ones. When it starts to really hurt or I stop being able to breathe and such, I am burning muscle not fat and makig myself miserable. Both are defeating the purpose of the activity. So, on his advice I decided not to torture myself about times or distance, but to just go as far as I could at a pace that allowed me to take full, non-weezing breaths. And, it WORKED! Not only did I accomplish the distance I was hoping for, I actually felt good afterwards instead of like I was going to die.

1st mile - 12:06 min
2nd mile - 25:19 min
3rd mile - 39:15 min
.1 mile - 40:33 min

Days 352 - 392

So, it has clearly been awhile since I have updated the blog. Over a month has gone by and despite having paid for the pole dancing classes I have missed twice and my jogging routine has been pretty much put on hold due to bummishness. Well, its not all about being a bum - I have also started dating again. It is weird but I have actually been enjoying meeting new people. Dating is hard and starting over really sucks. But, I am proud of myself and happy that I am able to put myself out there already. I am not 100% okay, but I am getting really close. I suppose I needed to take time off from working out to work on the rest of me.