100 Mile Challenge

100 Mile Challenge
100 miles - 2 months!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Long over due!

So, I am a total slacker lately! I really need to get off my butt more regularly or it is going to get MUCH larger than I want it to be. I have gotten a lot of fun new size 4 clothes and have donated most of my larger things, so on top of not being physically as cute - I quite literally cannot afford to get fat again. UGH! As if that's not pressure. So anyways - Now that I am done lecturing myself, I am happy to report that I have gone jogging recently. Tuesday to be exact. Keeping in mind my goal to increase my speed, I started with a half mile walk. After that, I moved as quickly as I could through the mile trail. Though I am not a speed demon yet, I am really proud of the results: 10:09:28 minutes! It is weird that I am so shockingly consistent. My fastest mile ever is 10 minutes flat (well, my fastes mile as an adult at least). Consistent doesn't equal progress, but it is a great start. :) I followed that with a circuit of squats (30 total), sit ups (50 total) and pushups (10 total) and a slow jog mile that took 13:94 minutes. Another weird thing is that if you average the times for today's two miles it would be about 12 minutes per mile, which is my most comfortable pace. Haha! Consistent all the way. Now if I could just get back to the consistent number of jogs per week I had made my habit during my 100 mile challenge. Maybe the speed thing isn't the only goal I need to have..... Maybe I should challenge myself to do the body exercises EVERY day and to jog 4 times a week. Yeah - that sounds reasonable. :) Let's do it!