100 Mile Challenge

100 Mile Challenge
100 miles - 2 months!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

1/2 Way There!!!! Challenge Jog 14

Today I went out to the park with 5.7 miles left before I hit my halfway mark in my 100 mile challenge. Technically I had 3 days left to make it there, but my best friend Sarah was coming down on Friday for a weekend at the beach so I really didn't feel confident about getting any jogging in while she was in town. Of course, I could have done some on Friday, but the odds of that happening were small. So, I decided to hunker down and make it happen! It wasn't easy and I had to take some walking breaks between the laps, but I made it!!! :) :) And, I did an extra .3 miles just to be sure I could cross of that '50' on my mirror! :) I can't believe that I have actually made it so far! I mean, I knew when I made the goal for myself that I could theoretically do it, but I wasn't 100% sure that I WOULD actually do it or not. Most of the fitness goals I have made for myself over the last few years I have quit caring about or trying for well before I actually met them. In many ways this challenge is more mental than physical for me. So far, I have conquered both :) 1st mile - 12:05 mins - j 2nd mile - 24:15 mins - j .25 mile - untimed - w .75 mile - untimed - j 3rd mile - 36:27 mins - j .25 mile - untimed - w .75 mile - untimed - j 4th mile - 49:06 mins - j .5 mile - 55:14 mins - j 6 miles - jogged!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) Now I only have 49.7 miles left to go!!!!!!!!

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