100 Mile Challenge

100 Mile Challenge
100 miles - 2 months!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Relay for Life

I gave myself Thursday off since my attempt at jogging Wednesday didn't go so well. I had intended to make up for it by jogging before taking my cats to the vet on Friday. The vet's office is only a few blocks from the park I like to jog in. Eh - nothing ever goes as planned. Instead, I took a friend to a doctor's appointment downtown, went to lunch (her thank you for the ride), then took the cats to the vet. :( Tang requires a special diet to help him lose weight and hopefully to stop the vomitting that has me scared for him and in desperate need for new carpet. Bunni is going to need dental surgery :( UGH - It is a good thing I picked a sport that is basically free. I am going to need every penny I can save. Anyways, after dropping the cats off at home, I went out to the local Relay for Life to meet up with my parents. I figured that I would have plenty of time to jog at an all night relay. The location of last year's Relay was too far from home to be easy to get too, but it was a nice wide college track with plenty of room for everyone who was walking. Thus year's location was much closer to home, but also much smaller. Too small for all of the people that were there trying to walk and play and hang out at their booths and shop at other booths. I had to step over the luminaries to walk on the grassy inside of the path just to walk at all. Jogging was totally out of the question, except for one guy who literally ran circles around everyone for almost the whole 4 hours I was there. I on the other hand stuck with the walking. In my defense though - I managed to go 6 miles. :)

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