100 Mile Challenge

100 Mile Challenge
100 miles - 2 months!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day 4

My boyfriend came home yesterday! He is stationed in Florida and has two weeks with me before being shipped overseas for 6 months. Thankfully he is going to a beautiful location in Western Europe and not a war zone, but I am still going to miss him fiercely. With that said, I want to spend every second I can with him!
He came in at 6:30am and 30 minutes later I had to start getting ready for work. After a LONG, well deserved nap (he drove all night) he brought me flowers at work :) Yesterday evening though after I got off we went over to his friend's house for dinner and to drop off two of his dogs. He has three total, but this couple are keeping the most hyper of the three because they have a big back yard and kids to run with them. It was a long evening with a mess of a child (one of the ones they were babysitting) and helping in the kitchen (just enough to not feel useless because F is a great cook and doesn't really need the help). We didn't even sit to eat until almost 11pm. I have to admit though the fajitas and homemade pico did hit the Cinco de Mayo spot right in the nic of time!
Needless to say, I failed to go jogging :( I can believe that I failed to keep it up consistently because I have always failed to fully follow through on all previous fitness goals (except losing 20 lbs a few years back with Weight Watchers). What I can't believe is that I failed so soon in the process. I was really hoping that I would make a full week at least and did threaten to go when we got home around 12:30am (don't ask). Instead though I snuggled in and went to bed.
Sugar (my boyfriend) is going out of town today to drop off the third dog with another friend, so tonight I will be able to go. Today is my late day at work, so it will actually be cool when I go out which is a good thing. My goal though is to do 4 miles in order to make up for not going yesterday. I think that will absolve me of some of the disappointment in myself and maintain the overall desired exercise level. Cross your fingers for me! These are the breaks in my stride that typically lead to justifications, procrasination, and ulitmately the dismissal of the goal entirely. This time WILL be different. Even though I only have one "follower" I know that I have several supporters. I will NOT let them or ME down!

1 comment:

  1. Jules, you are not a failure! Pick yourself up, lace up those shoes, and hit the trail!!! I hope to be home one weekend in early June. You should be up to a 9 minute mile by then - we can run together!! - kj
