100 Mile Challenge

100 Mile Challenge
100 miles - 2 months!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day 9

I am starting to think that I chose a REALLY bad time to start this whole thing. I knew my boyfriend was coming home these two weeks, but completely underestimated how busy we would be while he is here. He is being shipped overseas until December, so this is really our last time together for at least 3 months (we are hoping to work it out so that I can go visit him in late August). We only have a few more days together and I am trying not to cry thinking about it.
Anyways - he is devoting a large portion of his time to being with me and spent all weekend with my family. Thus, I thought it would be nice to invite his family over for dinner last night. I get off at 6 and rushed straight home to clean and get things ready. I am not the chef of the relationship so while he did some AMAZING ribs, I did instant mashed potatoes and Jello No Bake Cheesecake. Healthy right? I am sure by now you can sense where I am going with this.... jogging did not happen AGAIN! His Dad and sister came over around 7:30pm and the dinner was ready around 8:30pm. Laughing over how my boyfriend and I met back in high school and general BSing took a few hours so they ended up not leaving until 11:30pm. With a 10 hour work day looming around the bend at 8am and a massive pile of dishes to take care of it just was not in the cards for me tonight.
I love his family and am thankful he got to spend time with them and that I got the oppoortunity to get to know them a little better. But I HATE that life always interferes with my attempts to get healthly. Not only am I battling laziness and clumsiness, I am also fighting with a super small window of time during which I am not working. 10 hour days suck. The early Fridays are nice, but still - a regular 9-5 time would be AMAZING!

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