100 Mile Challenge

100 Mile Challenge
100 miles - 2 months!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day 8

If intentions equalled fitness gains and weight loss, I would be an award-winning athelete and bikini model! My boyfriend is fairly health consicous and enjoys physical activity much more than I do. So he got up and jogged 3 or so miles yesterday morning and did so again this morning. It was my plan to go with him this morning. I was super excited - MAJOR VICTORY - it is 3 miles from our campsite to the front gate and another 3 miles back. If I conquered that feat I would have completely redeemed myself for my lapses over this past week. But, in true Julie style - when he got up to go I asked "Do you want me to come with you?" instead of saying "I would like to come too, wait up for a sec." When his response was "Don't worry about it Hun, go back to sleep", I rolled over and curled back up. Honestly! Its not like he owns the trails - I could have gone with or without his permission and we could have done different trails if he wanted to jog alone. Its not like I would have actually kept up with him anyways. But NO - that would be doing what I NEED to do and not what I WANT to be doing - and who does that without a kick in the butt? On top of not jogging, we ate more today than any human needs for a week! So rather than registering a MAJOR VICTORY, I have to admit a MAJOR FAILURE. I have got to get myself in check - NOW!

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