100 Mile Challenge

100 Mile Challenge
100 miles - 2 months!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day 118 - 3.5 for a 2nd time

I am actually pretty darn impressed with myself tonight! I jogged 3.5 miles again!!!!!!! And - I pushed myself really hard and was able to increase my speed too :) Woo-Hoo!! I think I am starting to actually get the swing of this whole jogging thing. YAY!!!
Oh - and I went to the doctor's office today and I found out that I have lost 3.5 pounds since I went in June!!! 3 more pounds and I will be back down to my college weight :) :) I love this whole looking hot bi-product of getting in shape!!!

1st lap - 5:50 min - j
2nd lap - 11:54 min - j
3rd lap - 17:41 min - j
4th lap - 23:40 min - j
5th lap - 5:35 min - j
6th lap - 11:05 min - j
7th lap - 18:04 min - j

(I had to correct my time on the 7th lap. Apparently my watch did not malfunction, I simply misread it in my deliriously tired state. When I went to go jogging the next day, I read it properly. Ha- I definetely need to drink more water.)

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